Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kabir City: An Alternative To Ayodhya

30th September, 2010 was a day worth tons of Gold. It’s not because Ramlalla got his abode back. It’s also not because High Court gave a 3-point decision in which no one emerged as winner. But because of the restrain and composure shown by the Indian common man. It’s a known fact that “Crowd has only heads and no brains”. So, it was a welcome change on the part of the “brains” who didn’t turn the “heads” into a violent “crowd”. Fearing the backlash whole India stood still and took precautions not to venture during or after the verdict. It was one day in the last few weeks when CWG bashing took a backseat. The so called guardians of the society have only one motto:
हम हमारी रोटी सेंकते हैं।
देश और दुनिया गई चुल्हे मे!
So, why not prove them wrong like this always and show that we are one strong unit and don’t need their provocations.
So far so good. But the 3-pronged verdict is not a verdict. It’s a compromise in disguise. It has been done to make everyone happy and to stop violence. I haven’t liked it since the first day as this verdict is bound to be challenged. It has only delayed the process by another 25 years which our Judiciary is bound to take. I thought about writing that day itself but I was among the doubting Thomases who thought the calmness to be the lull before the storm. Seven days hence, I can safely say that there is going to be no storm or as Pritish Nandi has said that India has learnt the art of forgiving.
The verdict will surely be challenged in the Supreme Court because the concerning parties are not happy. And I believe they should do so. But the questions that the verdict has cropped up in my mind are:
  • i)        How can the Judges or Team Saffron be sure that Ramlalla was born at the exact place where the idols have been placed? People may think me as an antagonist but I still don’t believe in the veracity of existence of Lord Ram. And even if he existed, to correctly point out the co-ordinates of his birth place thousands of years later is not possible. Even the ASI has found out a temple dating back to 10th Century only. I would rather go with Justice Khan’s statement that this place is part of the larger area (or rather I would add the whole city) which is believed to be the birth place of Lord Ram.
  • ii)      If the judges have decided that the land belongs to Ramlalla, what’s the point in giving 1/3rd of the land to the Muslims? It’s better to give the whole land to Ramlalla. Nirmohi Akhara shouldn’t also get anything.  Everything should go to the custodians of Ramlalla. And it should be their prerogative what they do with the land.
  • iii)    Why didn’t the Court clearly mark out the boundaries of the three parts? If we look at the map, it would be difficult for all three parties to utilize their respective areas without adjustments. And these people who have been at loggerheads for decades are supposed to find an amicable solution to distribute the land. Is this a joke or something?
  • iv)    If the disputed structure, which passed on as a Mosque for so many years and now suddenly is against the tenets of Islam, was built on the ruins of a temple there shouldn’t be any problem. Land utilization cannot be termed a crime. But if indeed a temple was broken down, that’s a felony. There is no doubt in that. But in this case the felony was done by the Badshah of India in 15th century. And I don’t think he or his amirs could be brought to case. Because if that be so, we have to do away with so many essential structures which came during the reigns of the Mughals and the British. And not all are fair and clean!
v)      All said and done. It’s high time that the perpetrators who brought the mosque down should be punished. Even if the mosque was an encroachment, it’s not the duty of Team Saffron to bring it down. That’s a punishable offence and the punishments should be done. But the million dollar question is when will it happen and if that happens will the peacemakers of now will remain the same?
Because of my views, I’ve always been termed an Anti-Hindu. I would like to clarify that I’m neither an Anti-Hindu nor a Pro-Islamist. I’m just a common man who loves to be human. Many have asked why I only ask for justice to Muslims and not to Hindus. I ask for both. I want Afzal Guru and Azmal Kasab to be hanged. I want Laden and Dawood to be killed. I want the perpetrators of various attacks on temples and trains to be booked and given the severest sentence. Along with this I want those people to be punished as well who want to create factions in the society on the name of region, religion, caste and whatever they like.
No religion, no community preaches animosity or hatred. All are based on love and compassion. Mohammad Iqbal has rightly said:
मज़हब नहीं सिखाता, आपस मे बैर रखना।
हिंदी है हम वतन है, हिंदोस्ताँ हमारा।
This idea of Kabir City has been in my mind for long. Instead of creating a grand temple or a mosque why not utilize the vast land for the benefit of the society. Let’s make an educational institution, a multi-specialty hospital, a high-utility market, a children’s park and few other utilitarian structures on the land. The entry to the place should be unrestricted and devoid of any religious overtures. And such a place can have only one name, “KABIR CITY” because Kabir was above all religions and was loved by all. He preached what we still fail to emulate in our lives. This might be a fitting tribute to him.
I know my thoughts are hypothetical and utopian but maybe they will end this “Mandir-Masjid” problem and start a new era of brotherhood and integration.
To end, I will quote a line from Gandhiji:
“There is Ram in RAMzan and Ali in DiwALI”.
Let our life be like that only.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well the alternative seems to be good but the question was abt "whom the land goes to and not what should be done with the land." that's why it took so many years. the second one will be resolved by each of them....I liked the last quote by Gandhiji.