Saturday, August 14, 2010

One Month In Office

(सोचा था की जब पहली salary मिलेगी तब यह article लिखेंगे लेकिन अब सोचते हैं की फिर कब लिखेंगे! Because salary तो भविष्य के गर्भ में चली गयी है, पता नहीं कब आएगी!)

11th of August, I finished one month at my job. I’ve mentioned earlier that my last trial at a job lasted just 2 days so this is indeed a remarkable feat (Given the fact that I’m not particularly very satisfied with the job that I have now)!
As I’ve written before that now I’m a lecturer (Assistant Professor in college rolls) at MIET, Shahapur, Bhandara and will be teaching(?) Physics to students of First year BE. It would be untrue if I say that I was overjoyed to get this job. My idea of a job, for the last few years, has revolved around research. I wanted to join a premier research institute for my PhD and then join over there itself or somewhere else and be with research for the rest of the days, I can manage to survive on mother earth. I would be the undisputed boss of my life and would be paid handsomely with money, respect and satisfaction. But it was not to be. So I went for my next love, teaching.
12th of July when I went to JM Patel College, Bhandara, I had no idea that I’d be starting my lecturer’s duty that very day. So, when Dafre sir asked me to write the “Letter of Joining”, I couldn’t believe my ears and had to ask him twice whether or not he was saying exactly the same thing that I had heard.
And from that day started a new innings. I had to learn new ways to fit myself into the new order that was beckoning me. As soon as I reached the college, the guard at the gate asked me about my purpose of visit. When I told him that I was a newly appointed lecturer, he immediately saluted me. I was shocked as this was the first time someone had done something like that to me. From that day on this has been a regular practice, taking namastes, salutes, Good Mornings from guards, non-teaching staff and my colleagues. Even though I’m saying colleagues, I’m the second most junior on the list. The next young guy is 5 years older. The youngest is only 15 days younger to me. But since he has one year experience, he is treated as a compatriot while I’m treated as a kid. They are always there to take care of me and guide me and readily point out my mistakes. I’ve also learned and absorbed so much from them. They have been in this field for quite a long time and I’m learning the tricks of the trade from them. Especially I’m fond of Fandi sir and Shende sir.
But the man who holds all of us awestruck is Nema sir. He is 61 and has retired from WCL. But the fire within him is more than any of us. He defies his age with astounding energy levels which makes us ashamed because of our inability to match with him pace to pace. Not only physically but also mentally he is young. He will generally think what we GEN-Y think! Especially his use of technology and computers has made all of us his ardent fans. I always love talking to him and 1 hour spent with him gives you a year of wisdom. His vision is far more clear than most of the others associated with the institute. Even if I don’t gain anything, his companionship will be an achievement for the entire life.
This one month included 26 days of inaction and 5 days of admission rounds. Both the phases taught me important lessons. The days of inaction were very long and tedious. It was after a long time that I was travelling every day. 4 hours of travelling everyday has made me immune to ST buses that I don’t like as a mode of communication. After reaching Jawaharnagar, we have to endure the agony of travelling in the rickety six-seaters (It’s just the name. It is actually a 10-11-12 seater). And then starts the long day in which the only productive work is LUNCH! We chat, watch movies on my laptop, roam here and there, just sit idle, and even sleep but even then the day doesn’t seem to end! It really has improved my patience, endurance, sleeping powers, talking powers and my knowledge on many subjects both sense and nonsense. At quarter to five, we start getting ready and at five to five we go for our end-correction (signing the attendance register) so that we can leave exactly at 5!
The 5 days of admission were more energy consuming but at last we had something to do. We even worked on the Sunday, thanks to DTE. Our monochromatic life now had some colour as so many people came with so many different types of queries. It’s always lovely to meet people and help them with their troubles. But this time the meetings had me on the other side of the table for the first time. Instead of being counselled, I was the counsellor. I was really enjoying my seat of power. Variety of people came from different places. Some were dumb, some smart and some oversmart. Many were afraid, some confident and some overconfident. They had queries from hostel to fees to infrastructure to lecturers to …… We were to answer everything satisfactorily keeping in view that any student entering through the door should not return back. His admission had to be confirmed. Other teachers were experienced in this matter while I was a greenhorn. But I believe I did my job to near perfection. There were times when the heart was saying to slap and swear the guy in front of me but I kept smiling and got him admitted as well. There were times when making the fellow understand my point of view was next to impossible but I somehow managed. I always thought these counsellors are overpaid and overestimated. But it’s true that without sitting on the Hot Seat, nobody can feel and understand the heat. I sometimes deviated from the path but others pulled me through. I’m proud to say that we managed to bag 88 seats in the very first round even though the college was new and had made very little publicity (We have students from Mumbai to Salekasa). Those five days greatly improved my public conversational skills (I must thank my Pune gang, especially Aradhana, without whom I’d never have learnt the art of public speaking).
Another thing that I’d to change was my attire. For the last seven years I’ve never tucked my shirt in and wore my shoes irregularly. My dressing sense is a complete faux-pas. Here I’ve to bath every morning and then prepare myself for the whole day. If the college authorities stick with what they have said then I’ve to wear light coloured shirts, dark coloured pants, shoes and tie for the rest of the year and maybe soon learn some dressing sense as well. (I hope I soon get a research job and be able to wear my kurta or T-shirt with my bermuda coupled with my chappals!)
Even though I was thrilled to be part of such a big education society, I’m not fully satisfied with the work conditions. I know my utopian vision of an educational institution is an impossibility but still let’s hope I get at least 20% of what I think is needed.
Next wish is quick delivery of our salary so that I can buy things on my list which I planned even before getting this job!
And last but not the last wish is your cooperation, help, blessings and love for a successful life.

1 comment:

Vivek said...

Sahi re liked it a lot :) keep it up dear :)
thank go tune 1 mahine ke baad likha, aur ek saal ke baad likhega toh toh 100-200 panno ka hoga :) :) :)
All the best dear :)