Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Letter to the Prime Minister of India

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
            Your recent actions have gained you enough brickbats and there is a huge hue and cry terming you as a 'weak PM', which I believe is a serious allegation against the topmost political chair of this country.
            When you became the prime minister in 2004, I remember my father saying that the country will prosper now as this man was instrumental in bringing liberalization and  globalization in the Indian economy during his tenure as the then Finance Minister.
            You came to this august seat with enormous respect and belief. People believed that you as PM will bring the same strength to the administrative set-up as you had brought to the economic set-up in your tenure as then Finance Minister.
            And your first tenure as PM actually evoked faith in you. Sixth Pay commission strengthened the hopes of the people especially the Indian middle class. It's true that you spoke less and had a laidback attitude, not expected from a PM, but your actions seemed pure.
            But what you've done in the last 2 years or so has earned you the unfortunate tag I mentioned above. You've always said that PM is like 'Caesar’s Wife' and hence above suspicion. I don't buy this theory. You have been more 'Brutus' if not 'Cassius'. Words speak a lot of the actions that are going in one's mind. They reflect the nature of the human being. You dear sir have not been able to utilize it to the full. You have given enough lame statements and defended your colleagues with a defense which nobody will neither believe nor accept. And even after 2G, CWG & Antrix, you've not mended ways and repeated blunders after blunders in the Ramdeobaba and now Anna Hazare situations.
            You come and make statements, only when coerced, and never answer the queries. Most of the time you've shifted the blame on somebody else and remained adrift. Why it is always that we find someone from your GOM giving the answers? Please learn from Mr. Obama. He replies most of the queries to his government himself. Answering is a sign of authority on one's part. It is the trait of a person who is in complete charge of his doings but it is not apparent from your actions.
            You seldom take corrective actions. And even when they are taken, they are too late and too little. Sometimes I feel was my trust and respect misplaced! Nobody questions your dedication. Your economic and foreign policies are better than others but as a leader you've certainly not succeeded. Shri. Arun Jaitley pleaded the support of the opposition if you develop the political will to fight. I also believe that as a human being you might not have lost it completely and if you develop the will to fight and not fall prey to 'Coalition Dharma' & 'Cunning Colleagues', you can indeed be one of the best premiers of this country.
            It's a time when all the members of the parliament are being labeled as corrupt and are being called as thieves and dacoits. People are losing their faith on you and your brethren. Isn't it your sacred duty as the PM of this country to take such measures so that your strength and integrity is preserved? And if you can do so not only the opposition but you will find the whole country rallying behind.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Yours truly,
A grieved Indian.